Client Testimonial: Ronnie and Charlotte Howell

Have you ever gone to get a haircut expecting to leave looking like your favorite celebrity, but left with something you couldn’t wait to grow out? You expected the hairdresser to be knowledgeable and up to date on the latest designs, but without a picture to show, you might as well be at the dog groomers.

Many of our customers come to Leland’s Cabins the same way: They know what they want, but they need a professional to put a plan in place.

Ronnie and Charlotte Howell came to our showroom without a picture in hand, but our sales associate, Carol, was able to paint one for them. She gave them a tour of our cabins and took note of what The Howells liked. They were able to walk through the cabins using all of their senses to see the customizable options, while touching and smelling the grains of wood that are throughout each one.

As they explored the cabin models, they could visualize what would work for them and what changes needed to be made to accommodate their needs.

Charlotte couldn’t believe how quickly Carol got back to her with updated floorplans that included each thoughtful customization. Ronnie’s needs are more specialized. He uses a walker, so the cabin doors needed to be ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant. Our sales team patiently takes our customers through the design process until the cabin of their dreams is ready to be built.

The Howells loved the setup of the Settlement Harbor cabin. Carol brought them in to her office and pulled up the cabin on her big screen to begin the process of customization. The screen is a tool for designing a floorplan right before your eyes. Settlement Harbor can be 1-2 bedrooms, 1-2 bathrooms, 640-704 square feet, and starts at just $57,527. The Howells could customize their cabin by changing closet sizes, window locations, flooring, ceiling height, and so much more!

“It’s easier because you get to see it! You don’t have to just visualize it in your head. You can actually see it.” Charlotte left knowing that she wasn’t going to get a bad cut. She was going to get exactly what she and her husband had dreamed of!

Yellowstone National Park was Ronnie and Charlotte’s inspiration. To remind them of their experience up north, they chose Nature Walk for the exterior stain and a green metal roof for their custom cabin. Now they spend evenings enjoying their view from the porch of the beautiful home that was designed, built, and delivered by Leland’s.

Don’t risk a bad cut when purchasing a cabin. You have a customized cabin in your heart. Let Leland’s Cabins help you see it.

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